An easy to lean and fun game for long time fans or those brand new to the game. Addictive, fun, co=op, amazing.

User Rating: 8.5 | Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers X360
I'm going to keep this simple.


If you never played Magic the Gathering before, you won't find this challenging. The game puts you through a tutorial first thing. There's also a thorough glossary and help section to learn the game.

You begin the game with a red deck and a green deck. You then go through the Single Player campaign to earn more decks. The story is that you are a Planeswalker and you are competing against other Planeswalkers. What is a planeswalker? It doesn't matter, go read the books if you really want to know. Anyway, you duke it out until someone runs out of lives and a winner is declared. You also win cards that automatically get added in to your decks. There's something like 15 cards per deck that get added.

In Co-op mode, you have two players per team, each with their own decks. Although you share lives, you must use your own lands and all enchantments that affect your creatures don't affect your allies'.

In Challenge mode, you are given a a situation. The game is near it's end, you have to win in one turn or else your opponent will win. This is great training, you end up thinking of ways to combine cards that you would never think of in a normal game.


- Easy to learn
- Intuitive controls
- Fun Co-op
- Great Online play
- Replayable without being repetitive
- Challenge mode is brilliant and well thought out
- AI is smart and challenging
- Stop time to use instants when ever you want.
- Mentoring option to teach or learn from another player online.
- It appears there's planned DLC. Hopefully a lot.
- Small game size. apx 250mb I think....


- I've had some issues in the challenges where I know my solution should work...but for some
reason it doesn't.... so it's either a bug, or you messed up but you just never know why or how.
- You can't build your own decks. If this isn't something that they ad in the DLC I'll be saddened.

I can't think of other cons....

Anyway, for 10$, you're given a pile of decks (around 8 I think), and all the challengers that Xbox Live has to offer. You won't get this by buying a deck or a booster back at your local card store. Last I checked, those were more than 10$ so this is a bargain.
