
User Rating: 10 | MAG PS3
It's the single most intense game I've ever played. At the same time you are just having more fun than should be legal (if you have a great squad to communicate with). They took the idea Battlefield started out with, shot it in the face, then gave it multibillion dollar plastic surgery and bam, MAG was born. It's just a little bit too insane at how smooth it runs, and how good it looks. Don't even expect to see CoD style lag, It's non existent. No other online game for a console works as well as it. It's just a win up and down the board. It could use some more weapons, but it's skill unlock system incorporates some new features that no other firs person shooter has ever used. When you really start playing, you realize that the guns don't even really matter, the main focus really is who can strategize better. If you don't play as a team, you will not succeed.