Even a great game has its faults.

User Rating: 8 | Mad Max XONE
I enjoyed this game. Upgrading the Magnum Opus and Max were my favorite parts of the game. I reveled in collecting every piece of scrap and completing every stronghold upgrade. I found hot in completing all of the Wasteland and Wastelander missions. Then I had to fight. The most aggravating thing, the part of6the game that made me curse like a sailor, was the fact that the camera and the counter system in this game is absolute garbage. They never work as intended. I'll hit Y when I'm supposed to and 90% Of the time It doesn't register. A good portion of the time the camera angle will be just so as to keep enemies off screen so I am unable to tell what's attacking me. A good game in it's own right but like I said, the camera and counter systems are absolute garbage.