a regular rpg, it's fun but it has nothing special

User Rating: 6.7 | Lunar Legend GBA
I have to admit that when i finished the game i was a bit surprised that i wasn't as bored as i thought it would be. Similar games like breath of fire had bored me so much that i didn't really care if i beat them or not, well at least my interest was maintained throughout the game. This game is a bit short, battles are very plentiful but thankfully very quick which may or may not annoy you since you have a plethora of healing spells whichs assures your survival. Anyways just know this, you're not going to die facing normal monsters unless you're in a really drawn out fight. Controls are very simple, it looks like final fantasy gameplay but it plays a bit differently if only a bit, still it's decent enough to last the few hours you're going to be playing this game.

Graphics are colorful. Some backgrounds are an eyesore, but most stuff look alright and sometimes at the right moments there are stuff that look beautiful even. Sound. Huh, i forgot what i heard. Nuff said.

There are some nice aspects of the game, things like cards and secret weapons and stuff are fun to find, but that won't be your main interest. Still it adds something to the 15 hours you'll be playing this game.

Finishing the story is probably going to be your main reason for playing the game. While i admit that the plot is a bit predicable and cliched, some of the places that you visit are actually interesting to check out. It's very plot dense and it moves you from place to place fairly quickly hence why the game is short. It suceeds using this method nevertheless because you won't have the time to be bored by the game if they keep adding new places and sending you off there. Rarely are you lost so there's always something definite for you to focus on. Overall, this game is a bit more than ok but it's a bit forgettable