Lunar Legend is a quality RPG that maintains an interesting storyline and addictive gameplay.

User Rating: 9.1 | Lunar Legend GBA
Gameplay: The Lunar series is for sure one of those underrated franchises, Lunar Legend (also known as Lunar: The Silver Star) is a game that often gets overlooked by RPG fans.
The game revolves mainly around Alex and Luna, two teenage adolescents from a small village in the middle of nowhere. At some point, they find themselves on an unforgettable adventure, that clearly shows how their personalities evolve through time. In fact, character development is surely a strong point of this game, because each character seems to have unique personalities and show emotions that are well ahead of its time. By the end of the game, you really will feel sad to say goodbye to the characters.
The gameplay itself plays like the typical RPG, turn based gameplay with upgradeable equipment. Considering this was originally a Genesis game though, it may not be quite as typical as you'd think. Surprisingly, this game feels very modern, and truthfully is a lot better than most of the RPG experiences I have had in recent years. Lunar Legend holds up well after all of these years, and is an experience that is fun to play through, and is reasonably lengthy. There are also tons of places to explore in the world, whether it be villages or whether you'd like to just level up a little.
As fair warning however, be aware that leveling up is a key factor in this game, and chances are you will end up in more random battles than you would like. Whether or not this is a good thing of course depends on your view of random battles. There is always that "Run" option though... just like any other RPG.
Overall Lunar Legend is a successful RPG that will engage you throughout the entire game. The game is enjoyable the whole way through, and chances are you will like it no matter who you are.

Graphics: The visuals too are pretty ahead of its time. The graphics are colorful and show a lot of personality, and is surely some of the best visuals to be seen on the GameboyAdvance... especially since this was a Genesis game at one point. It also has a few pieces of artwork that are pleasing to look at as well, and character design is near flawless.

Sound: The music in Lunar Legend holds up well also. There are definitely a few tunes that will stick in your head, and for the most part the nostalgic and fast paced music is pretty good as well. Sometimes the battle music gets kind of repetitive, but that is about it. Most of the sound in the game is top notch, of course Lunar Legend doesn't have unforgettable music but it does maintain the sense of quality.

Value: Here is where some disappointment kicks in, the game is pretty lengthy, but unfortunately there isn't that much to do after you beat the game. In fact, if you are a skilled gamer it may not even take you all that long to beat the game. Regardless though, chances are the time you do spend with the game you will enjoy.
In conclusion, Lunar Legend is a great RPG for the GameboyAdvance, and proves that video games are engaging both in terms of gameplay and great storylines and character development. By the end of the game, you will be left wanting more.