Wonderful scenery, decent story, and classic turn-based game play don't necessarily add up to greatness.

User Rating: 7 | Lunar: Harmony of Silver Star PSP
I'll start by confessing that while I put in almost 30 hours into the game, it did not compel me enough to finish it. I believe I was probably about half way through the game so there really is a lot of value to be had here.

Unfortunately, I may have went into this game with too high of expectation based on praise it has received from other gamers. I can definitely say the visual are very pleasant and occasionally beautiful. Animated sequences add a nice touch and flow nicely with the graphic style.

Beyond the nice looks, you have the decent story. Obviously, I did not get to experience it all, but from what I did, it was just interesting enough, but didn't draw me in. I don't feel the characters were interesting enough and with the story being a little slow to develop, the story characters merely pass without being exceptional.

Then, there is the meat of the game, the combat. Here is a very basic and traditional turn based game play. The only 'umph' it seem to have is that the characters move around the play field as they follow you attack commands. I know this is a remake of an older game, and I even appreciate traditional game play. But I just never had the desire to do more battles. But the game decided otherwise, and there are plenty of small battles to be had. Luckily the enemies are visible on the screen rather than random. But with some many on the screen in cramped passage ways, you can rarely avoid them when your not in the mood to do mindless battle after mindless battle and just trying to get to a location.

Perhaps I am sounding too harsh on the game. I think the game is good and most fans of the genre should be happy with it. It just wasn't quite good enough for me, and while I am a big fan of the genre, I just kept feeling my time good be better spent playing something else.