Brilliant, Just too Brilliant!!

User Rating: 10 | Lunar: Harmony of Silver Star PSP
When I was looking through Gamespot Top PSP Games for a good RPG I saw this. Without reading any review or looking at any gameplay videos I decided to get it, and I must say.. this game is Brilliant. I dont know which is better.. Awesome, Brilliant or Wicked so I will just use all of those words to describe Lunar Silver Star Harmony. I had never known about the Lunar Game series until I found out that this game is actually a remake of another classic game.

In the game you play as a Character called Alex who is striving to be the next Dragon Master. A Dragon Master is someone who has mastered all four dragons trials and someone who has proven himself to be a Dragon Master. The previous Dragon Master died 15 years ago and from that time no one has stepped up to the plate. During the game you gain friends and even lose some. Characters dont turn out to who they be and that leaves Alex in alot of problematic situations. When you play the game you will start feeling connected towards the character you play as (Alex) and maybe even sometimes feel his emotions (that's who gripping this game can be). The story ingame has alot of twists and will even make the character think HOLY COW at times.

The things characters can do in this game is brilliant. Spells and Attacks will sometimes make you say WOW! The gameplay is good and runs very smoothly. The Soundtrack for the game is Fantastic and even makes you want to play on.

Not once have I ever felt bored of this game. The only time I quit playing is when its 3 o'clock in the morning and I need to go to bed cause I have played for too long. That's how addicting this game is.

I wouldn't think that this game has alot of bad points. The only things that I dont really like about this game is that at times there is too many enemies where you just want to escape from the area but you have to battle all of them. The other point is that you cannot pause cut scenes and that is something I really need in alot of my games that I like and play.

Other then that this game is Brilliant and I really do recommend that you buy it As soon as possible!