Clearly an RPG no fan should go without playing.

User Rating: 8.5 | Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete PS
For anyone who doesn’t know, this game is a remake of Sega CD’s “Lunar: The Silver Star”. I have not personally played that version of the game itself, but this game is great for what it is. This complete version of the game comes with a leather bound instruction book with interviews from the makers, a cloth map, a “Making Of” cd, and a soundtrack. The story involves a young boy named Alex who dreams of becoming a Dragonmaster like his hero, Dyne. His friend convinces him to seek out a diamond from within the White Dragon’s cave with him and the adventure starts rolling from then on out. The story has everything you might expect from an RPG. Love, sadness, joy, betrayal, and forgiveness. If you are a fan of turn-based RPGs, then you should definitely check this game out.

Graphics: This game’s graphics are less than what you would normally expect from an RPG or even a playstation game. Yes, this game does a great job of emulating the old school feel. The cut scenes from the game are beautifully done in a classic anime style and they occur rather frequently. The game itself is done in 32-bit. This is fine, but the only real complaint I have is the character sprites, which do not look like the character hardly at all.

Sound: The music in this game is a strong, yet, a weak point. The music GREATLY strays from the original Sega soundtrack, which some would say is good, and others bad. The battle theme gets annoying after the first 10 battles and really isn’t that enjoyable. There are also a couple of town themes that don’t seem like they fit their environment very well. They are usually to upbeat in a “pop” kind of way, rather than a tranquil background song to compliment the calm village/city. There are some great tunes that enhance the emotions quite well, however. And the main theme is also very beautiful.

Gameplay: What can I say? It is a turn-based RPG. You dungeon crawl, enter a battle and fight using menu-based attacks, gain levels, and repeat. What stands out in this game is the ability to see the enemy before you engage. That’s right, no random battles! One of my favorite things about battles in this game is the strategy involved in order to win them. Placement is very important in the battle. Each character has a range and if they can’t make it to the enemy before they reach that limit, then they are exposed right there where they got (unless they can attack more than once in a turn).

Conclusion: I enjoyed this game a whole lot. My favorite thing about any RPG I play is the story, and this game definitely has a strong story that sends messages to the player. Acceptance, forgiveness, and just anything about how to be a good person.

Pros: * Great story. * Fun battle system. * Lovable characters. * Beautiful cut scenes. * CLOTH MAP!!!
Cons: * Annoying battle theme. * Graphics are sub-par, even for it’s age. * Sometimes feels drawn out too much.