One of the finest turn based RPGs of all time.

User Rating: 10 | Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete PS
This game is honestly my favorite game of all time. That is no small feat considering I have been a hardcore gamer since I got my NES when I was about 7 years old. I first played this game on the Sega CD. Way back in those days Lunar set a bar for story in a video game that has yet to be beat. It was really the first game for me that showed the importance of an excellent story in a video game.

When the game was remade on the Playstation system It was a mix of absolute excitement with a little bit of fear. Would remaking the game steal away the charm that it once held?

I regard this game as one of the finest video game remakes in history. It brought something to remake that most games never get, improved gameplay. On the playstation the overland map screen now showed the random encounters on the screen and you could attempt to avoid them if you chose. This doesn't seem like a big deal these days, but at the time it was revolutionary. Many such RPGs have copied this up until today. In fact Blue Dragon for the XBOX 360 attempted to do that and improve.

This game has become all but impossible to find being out of print for quite some time. The copies you can find on ebay are either in poor shape or ridiculously expensive. Lie, cheat, and steal to get your hands on this perfect turn based RPG classic.