Lunar Silver star story hits people in the heart with the storyline, and the gameplay makes players happy.

User Rating: 10 | Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete PS
Lunar Silver star story was my favorite game back then and its old school which I like.

Presentation-For when it came out the presentation was pretty freaking amazing and while it has changed it still looks good in my opinion to date. The enemies look cool and everything looks amazing

Gameplay-Like every RPG its basically run around, find enemies, kill them, level up, buy better weapons and armor, and beat the game. Lunar does this well and no doubt should it ever be changed. This was the best thing to do in an RPG. The gameplay itself is just simply outstanding for its time. I will never forget the gameplay on this game that's how good it is. Congrats to Working Designs for making such a great game

Storyline-With the story its so touching you'll care for the characters. The game will make you sad, happy, mad, and betrayed. You play as Alex set out to become a dragonmaster betrayed by one of the 4 heroes. He becomes the evil emperor, kidnapps Alex's "girlfriend sister" type friend and takes off to become the ruler of the world.

Conclusion-If your a fan of old RPG's, Working Designs, and Final Fantasy, this is a must pick up for you. I highly recommend to any RPG fan whether being a fan of newer or older you'll love this game no matter what. I'd also like to give Lunar a 10 out of 10 and say R.I.P. Working Designs.

"In loving memory of working Designs"