It's far, far too good to be a puzzle game.

User Rating: 9 | Lumines: Oto to Hikari no Denshoku Puzzle PSP
It's difficult to imagine how a 2D puzzle game can be so good in this day and age. In a world of full 3D environments, how can Lumines be this good? Because it's more addictive than chocolate and will last you for a long, long time. You can try to fault it, but apart from it being 2D there is NOTHING ELSE. Simple. The music is teriffic, the presentation is sublime, it plays wonderfully and shames Tetris in ways you never thought possible. It has to be the best game on PSP, even up against GTA and Burnout. If you love games, you'll buy it. If you pass it up as 'just another puzzle game' you'll be missing out. Trust me.