Great Game, Everything Flows, Music Colors just great all around pick up and go FUN!

User Rating: 8.7 | Lumines: Oto to Hikari no Denshoku Puzzle PSP
Lumines was the first game i bought with the PsP. I was trusting Gamespots reveiw on it and went with it. Got home put it in and looked awesome right off the start. The first few levels are easy for most. But as you go farther on it gets faster and they give you harder blocks to fit. Pretty much mixing Tetris With Bejewed it works as a great combination. They threw in great music that honestly i could sit there and listen to them as a soundtrack. You start off the game by Making a name and selecting an icon. (Pretty much for link play) You then have some differant game modes. -Challeneg mode which allows you to unlock new skins, music, and just to show your high score to your friends. - Skin mode is when you simply just want to get good at one lvl. - Player Vs Computer mode This will warm you up for link play. As you eliminate boxes on your side they are added to yoru opponents side. Like that one warrio tetris or whatever it was. - Time attack mode 60sec, 120 180 360. ((Havent Played those)) :X - Then Link play ((HAVE NOT TESTED)) I dont seem to get many downfalls coming to mind as of right now. - I have played the game about 10 hours now. In one running i was able to beat 7 lvls or so. -- This is definatly the type of game groups of ALL AGES CAN PLAY. I took my PsP to my dads house he used to love tetris and still does. But when he played this game he was blown away. -- Learning curve isnt to bad but mastering curve is definatly a nice jump. -- Im sure it comes quicker to some then others but sometimes theres no way i can look at the upcoming block and plan ahead. Im justw orrying about the block coming down and screwing up my entire scheme. I am honestly giving you all my true opinions on this game. I know many people wright reveiews to skew other minds but not I :P. PS If you trust my reveiw then please show it and click TRUST USER. Thus showing the rest of the community my upstanding commitment to show my insights on games.