The game that changes PSP.

User Rating: 8.9 | Lumines II PSP
I have been a gamer for 12 years now, I'm not an aged hardcore gamer but I had all the sony systems except PS3(too $$$$$). I bought a PSP over two month ago and I couldn't been happier. It does everything and it's so powerful. But the original titles on the PSP have not been very impressive. When Lumines came out I was skeptical about it. I thought it was just a fancier version of the Tetris. Then when Lumines II came out, it generate so much buzz that I have to check it out and I was blown away.

This game introduce me into a whole new world. The music and gameplay combined together so flawlessly that you will be drawn into the game. I couldn't think any word to describe this game other than Revolutionary.