It's like the first but with Fergie and Gwen shaking their ripe bananas in the background!

User Rating: 8.2 | Lumines II PSP
There's nothing to review. It's like the first game but with videos in the background of the Black Eyed Peas and Gwen Stefani shaking their stuff, disctracting you from the real job at hand, clearing blocks. Clearing blocks? Seriously? If Fergie or Gwen Stefani are shaking their bananas on my PSP do I care about clearing blocks? No. I want to see the whole video not the Lumines version where a whole screen of blocks are overcrowding the screen. I want my bananas without blocks, please! Other than that this game is Lumines on Redbull. It's amped. It's supercharged, it's fresh, it's new. It's hip. It's an acceptable and enjoyable version in the series. I don't think I will be buying Lumines III, though. I wouldn't have bought this one if I hadn't broken my first Lumines UMD cartridge. But it's great for the bus, work, and the occasional trips to the grocery store when your wife punishes you for spending too much money on video games. But I wouldn't have had to buy any if my XBOX 360 didn't die! Thanks, Microsoft for selling me a defective console! hate hate hate hate Bill Gates right now for shoving me into the arms of my puny PSP because of the red circle of death! I feel for all of you . . .