Gamespot is wrong. What were they thinking?

User Rating: 9 | LostWinds WII
Gamespot is wrong. What were they thinking?
LostWinds is a great example of what can be achieved on WiiWare. By combining a few simple gesture-based controls within a tightly focused platform-puzzling framework, Frontier has created a mini-masterpiece at the first attempt. From here, we can fully expect to see a lot more of Toku and Enril, and hopefully a slew of similarly innovative and fresh new ideas on Nintendo's proving ground from other like-minded developers ready to break free from the shackles of modern development cycles.
This is one of the most significant Wii releases of the year so far." "It's the kind of experience we bought our Wiis for in the first place, it's the best justification we can imagine for the existence of WiiWare, and it's a stunning example of what videogames can achieve in terms of craftsmanship and artistry. Download it. Download it now." 9/10