When GS rated this I had to write a review about this because this game is a great game even if it takes 3 hours to beat

User Rating: 8 | LostWinds WII
This is the best wiiware game you can find so far and its only 10$. it is very short . But its still worth your money

The reason I like the game is because its original I have never played a side scrolling game like this. But it doesnt mean its not fun. Its very fun to play

The story is unimportant so ill tell you about it.
You start off as a boy named toku who finds a wind spirit and you have to stop some monster or something thats what the story is about

graphics 8/10
very good for a wiiware game

sound 6/10
the music can annoy me at times and theres no voice acting at all

controls 9/10
may not be the best controls but it is very innovative

gameplay 8/10
its a solid platformer with lots to do

So dont listen to what gamespot says lost winds is an fun and orginal adventure from start to finish