First installment of hopefully a fuller, richer series.

User Rating: 7.5 | LostWinds WII
LostWinds, one of the first original downloadable titles available for the Wii through the WiiWare channel starts the service off in the right direction.

As Toku, and the wind spirit Enril you must navigate a number of different locations in search of the other lost wind abilities and also to recover the memory of the village chief Deo and defeat the evil which has possessed the benevolent being Magmok.

The extent of Toku's abilities are walking left and right, pushing rolling objects and plucking fruit or seeds from the ground. Using the wii-remote and the wind abilities found through the course of the game you are able to jump, float, propel, glide, bash, hover and trace wind currents through the air.

As standard exploration games go, when you find new abilities you are able to access other unreachable places and continue the adventure. Each new location has a somewhat different feel to it but the overall theme of the game is constant. The outside areas are very hilly and full of vegetation which can be blown around to release "spirit bubbles" used to revive Toku if he takes to much damage. The subterranean levels are presented in a subdued color and are very similar from one area to the next. Through the game you are always running into blobs, although in various disguises. With a few wind motions, these are easily dealt with. The real danger comes from falling great distances and pummeling yourself with a stray rock propelled by your actions. Finding a piece of fruit will recover your life fully though.

There is a good amount of backtracking in the game, you will find yourself having to get from one end of the explorable area to the other end several times and can become a bit of a drag. The controls are simple and work well the majority of the time. One hang up is when you have to maneuver two items at the same time as one wii-remote action could and does affect both items. The game is VERY short, it took about 2.5 hours to complete the main quest however there is a set of items to collect through out the game. This could extent the game play to about 3 hours tops.

The final story scene after defeating the possessed Magmok hints at further adventures of Toku and his wind spirit friend Enril and I am looking forward to what the dev. team at Frontier Development have in store for us later.