With pretty graphics and original but perfect controls there is no reason not to download LostWinds even if it is short.

User Rating: 9 | LostWinds WII
WiiWare launched on May 12 (just a few days ago) and I knew what I was going to get. The game was called LostWinds. I had seen trailers of this game and I knew that this would be a great game. I was correct. Who knew that a third-party indie company could create such a superb game. Let me break down the pros and cons.


-pretty graphics
-wonderful controls
-good story
-unique characters
-O.K. replay value


-way to short
-frame rate is an issue at times

As you can see there are a lot more pros than there are cons.

Graphics: 9.5/10

The graphics in this game are absolutely beautiful. It may be a 2-D adventure but the graphics in the background and foreground are amazing.

Controls: 10/10

Indie company Frontier NAILED the controls on this one. The controls are very unique. They make incredible use of the Wiis motion sensing. In the trailers the controls looked a bit annoying but they are incredibly smooth and they work very good. A lot of puzzles make use of the Wiis pointer.

Sound/Music: 9.5/10

The music and sound in the game is fantastic. The wind is so soothing to the ears and the music is wonderful. The only problem is that there is only a few music tracks in the game.

Value: 8.0/10

The game is very short. It can be replayed but It's just to short to fully enjoy it again. Do not fear as a sequel has already been announced. The end of the game says to be continued as well.

Overall score: 9.0/10

With pretty graphics and original but perfect controls there is no reason not to download LostWinds even if it is short.
