To think a little $10 game shows more potential than most full priced 3rd party Wii games.

User Rating: 8.5 | LostWinds WII
When Nintendo announced Wiiware, a service with original downloadable games, many feared Nintendo's limited hardware space would mean nothing but short, little puzzle games, however developer Frontier has taken what little they have to work with and given us a little gem of a game that shows more potential and creativity than most third party full sized Wii games.

Lost Winds is the first in a series that tells the story of Toku, a young boy who lives in a village who comes across a wind spirit named Enril. Toku learns that Enril was sealed away by an evil being who is going to lay waste to Toku's village unless they team up to stop it.

The game is essentially a platformer, a genre long missed in the gaming community. You guide Toku along with the analog stick, right or left and control Enril as a cursor. Enril's powers of the wind allow you to jump higher with gusts, travel along slipstreams, control fire and water and create vortexes in order hold objects in mid air. You gain these powers as you progress and gain access to new areas as you go.

Graphically, Lost Winds is very pleasing. With a cute, soft artistic style. Despiting playing in 2D the backgrounds are deep and full of detail such as caves full of steps, old mine cars and rock formations or Toku's village with many houses and people off in the background. There's only a couple different music tracks in this little game but the main music is very soft and calming.

The only downfall to this title is, it is short. The game lasts about 3 hours tops. But we forget this is only $10 and is a small downloadable title and there's already a second chapter in the works.

Still, with all the Wiiware games out right now, Lost Winds is defiinitely worth trying. It puts many third party Wii game publishers to shame putting more effort into a little 43mg than most put into an entire disc.