The best WiiWare title yet

User Rating: 8.5 | LostWinds WII
Lost winds was the first WiiWare that I purchased and it was absolutely worth the 1000 wii points I paid for it. The basic story of the game is the a boy called Toku meets a wind spirit who tells Toku that he needs to save the world from the evil gu called Balasar. The thing that people were most looking forward to about this title was the use of the wii remote as the wind. And boy the develepors of the game pulled it off. The controls are very simple, but effective at the same time, press the Z button to talk, read, plant or pick up objects, press the A button and draw a line to blow Toku and objects such as boulders and finally you can press the B button and draw a line to blow other elements such as water and fire around. The graphics are absoulutely brilliant it gives you a god sense of the enviroment around you while having an Okami like beauty. The soundtrack is brilliant, even though it only has two songs, the first song is very calming, it's almost like a lulluby that you would sing to a baby when she is going to sleep. The second soundtrack is played whenever you see an enemy and it is muches you encoutquicker and deeper than the other track. The enemies you encounter aren't very hard to beat, which isn't very suprising as the game is based around solving puzzles, all you need to do to kill the foes you encounter is wake the wii remote violently for a few seconds and you will blow them into oblivion. The only downside of the game is that it only lasts three hours I finished it within two days of purchasing iat. In conclusion this is a calming game with an Okami like beauty that is well worth the 1000 wii points, if it was a bit longer it could warrant a £30 price tag.