Don't believe some other reviews

User Rating: 7.5 | LostWinds WII
Contrary to what some reviewers say, it is the opinion of this reviewer that Lost Winds achieved exactly what it was going for.
Now understand, with some wii games that involve the use of motion controls or the pointer function, a little more effort it needed to maintain precision. This isn't a to say the controls for the game are bad or sloppy... rather, they're quite creative but take more fine motor function than you would anticipate.

Graphics: the graphical look of the game is great. the interaction between you(the wind) and the environments makes the backgrounds really pop out. Some reviewers complained about the color palette or the darkness of certain locales, but even the caves had a mysterious enchanting look to them. it is the opinion of this reviewer that the developers achieved exactly the style they were going for graphically. everything is very smooth and fits with the wind theme.

Audio: Audibly the game is spot on. again, following the tranquil wind theme. everything about the sound is very soothing. good music, good effects.

Gameplay: This game is definitely creative when it comes to gameplay. players will play as a force of nature more than they will as the main protagonist . basically you make the kid walk left or right. everything else you'll control with the wind. It will take a little practice to get the hang of what you can do and can't do with the wind and working on your pointer accuracy will help things to go more smoothly throughout your adventure. The two player mode is an excellent addition to the game. This allows more complex things to be done more quickly.

Additional thoughts: for added gameplay you could have the second player try to kill you whenever you come up to any mobs.