A great value, a great original shooter that nobody can miss out on.

User Rating: 9 | Lost Planet: Extreme Condition X360
A great value, a great original shooter that nobody can miss out on.

The Good- Very original gameplay for a shooter. - Great multiplayer. - Lots of downloadable content.

The Bad- Short Campaign - Multiplayer can be unfair due to some gameplay aspects.

Lost Planet is a wonderful game. It was extremely cheap (around 10 bucks) so i bought it. I didn't know I'd be putting in nearly 60 hours.This game has very original gameplay for a shooter. Its a mix of action-adventure, and shooter. It has great multiplayer. Lots of people are on, fun maps, and very fun modes. Lots of downloadable content If you did not bu colonies edition. New multiplayer modes, maps, and most of them are free. However it has a short campaign, and it really isn't all that great. Multiplayer can be unfair due to some gameplay aspects. I can't really specify what but various glitches and so on can make it unfair at times. but this is rare. Lost Planet is a gem and nobody should miss out.