Ewww... I don't know much more to say, its boring, lacks a lot of gameplay.

User Rating: 7 | Lost Planet: Extreme Condition X360
Lost planet was a fair game, lacks alot of the gameplay that todays standards would call good, its 3rd person shooter, with bad controls, bad multi-player, and very sad visuals, if you had 20 bucks in your pocket, go buy yourself a meal, this game will not fill you up with excitement, i bought the collectors edition for $8.00 at a pawn shop, and i still don't think i got my moneys worth, it comes with a game and download to a "new" multi-player map, and a few beta passes for halo 3 (lol i know, gheettooooo) besides that, i didn't really get too far with the game, the whole "gather heat from warm posts, and the animals drop 'heat' is very very stupid, i want to do things at my own pace, i don't want a meter clicking when i'm not killing monsters, its very amature.

I remember playing the demo, back when i got my first 360, it was nothing great, but felt like a good game, mainly because of the arsonal, which i loved, the whole robot game-play is confusing, and very poor, if i had the chance to buy it for $5.00 i'd most likely pass on that and look for a sub-sandwich from subway, the 20 minutes it takes me to eat the sub would be better than the 10 or so hours i spent playing this game, call it harsh, but i call it the truth.

That is why i think Lost Planet Extreme conditions for the xbox 360 deserves a 7.0 out of 10