A pretty fun game that I couldn't stop playing.

User Rating: 8.5 | Lost Planet 2 PS3
I thought that the game Lost Planet 2 was very fun and it really sucked me into it. I wanted to keep completing the missions because they were fun and had plenty of rewards. The friendly AI was OK, it gave you T-ENG (Thermal Energy) when you were low, they do actually kill some enemies, and on the train mission, they loaded the railgun. They arent exactly the best at these things and may be a bit slow, but they still get things done. Cutscenes looked great and voice acting was good. Graphics overall were good if not great. Jungles looked very detailed and were very interesting to walk around in. Weapons and characters looked good too. There was plenty of character customization, so unless you were a low rank, you would probably look very unique. Same can be said about this games arsenal of weapons. It has great variety with plenty of options for a players play style, such as a faster assault rifle for the quicker player, or a more heavy gun-sword for more melee-heavier attacking players. Everything could be swapped out with something better, like grenade upgrades, and there were special weapons for leveling up with a certain type of character. Like an automatic long range plasma rifle for leveling up with the NEVEC character. Leveling up also awards you with credits and character parts. You can interchange different character parts for a more unique character. If you arent ready for online, you can just level up and get credits in campaign mode, which awards you just as much, or more, credits than actual online play. You can play campaign with your friends for more fun though. Credits go toward a slot machine type thing. Its a pretty clever system but you end up getting a lot of name tags, which you can only use one at a time. But it does feel good to get a new weapon or emote, or character part. Emotes are funny things you can do to say "good job", or to dance after a tough battle. You assign 8 different emotes to the up, left, right, down, L1, L2, R1, R2 buttons. You would hold down the start button and press one of the various buttons to use the emote assigned to it. Bosses are fun to fight, and can be pretty challenging, so most are best to fight with a friend. Overall I think this is a great game with little flaws and should be played if you are bored and looking for a cheap game to buy.