Jeez, the trailer looked pretty badass..

User Rating: 4.5 | Lost Planet 2 PS3
Wow, really. I saw the trailer to this game a while back and thought to myself "Holy **** this is awesome."
Got it back in Christmas, with 2 other games.
I felt like I wasted my money.
It tries too hard to make it multiplayer only, and then there's barely anyone out there who plays it!
I only played one level, and it was very bleck. What's with the boss's glitchy movements? One moment it's looking at a guy and swiping, the next it turns at me, with not turning animation at all! It's just suddenly looking at me and slapping me. They're cool bosses, but c'mon, with all the space and crud nowadays, what happened? Laziness? C'mon.
Then there's the bad sprinting. It takes forever for your guy to turn, and then he barely moves right.
I liked the grappling hook when you fell. That was actually kinda neat. But the competitive multiplayer, forget it. Everybody is overlevelled. So, overall, this game was a real disappointment, promising much but delivering little.
You're better off spending your money on a different game that's much better than this game. Only buy this when there's nothing left to buy, and even then, hesitate.