Amazing! Amazing storyline and graphics!

User Rating: 9.5 | Lost Planet 2 PS3
The game is good. It has good graghics and extremely cool bosses. It has a pretty good story. The online is very fun. It is also cool how you can go inside enemies and get stuff from the inside. You will not be dissapointed with this game. The bad thing is that you cant really customize weapons in the game but you have over 50 weapons so there is a good variety of weapons. That is the only bad thing i see for the game. The sound is is great. The enemies are verry great because you will be challenged and thye wont be like ordinary enemies. I also like the vital suits because they are a good way of getting around. Lost PLanet 2 also has new places like the jungle instead of always being in a cold envieroment. The online is cool because you can level up and unlock new weapons and suits and armour. You can do deathmatches and that is amazing!!!