This games is like watching a movie where you can participate in the plot…

User Rating: 8.5 | Lost Odyssey X360
The truth is that if you want to really see every cinematic and read every dream you are going to spend half of your time doing so more than actually playing, and that's if your are a fast reader, otherwise, don't even mention it.

The game has a spectacular story. The story is so grate that you want to see every cinematic and some times it touches your heart. It won't make you cry but it will warm up your hart. If it make you cry, you are way too sensitive.

As you may know the game is turn based, which I love since I can play it laying down without too much stress. It has very good graphics and very nice enemies. It gives you the options of creating rings that you can use to enhance your power and stuff and it has a system where the immortals learn their skills from the mortals when you link the skill and fight along side them. Of course the mortals learn their skills from leveling up and you find some magic in treasures or you can buy them too. With this system it makes you use the mortals to get the skills and then teach them to the immortals.

Something that realy bothers me is the fact that you can't rotate your view. You are stuck in an almos two dimesional view. I know that it would take more memory but man, we are in next generation consoles. If you could have an 360 view the game would be almost perfect

The only thing that I don't like is the incredibly way too long dreams that you need to read. You can just skip them if you want, but since the story is so nice you don't want to miss one that could be important to the plot. Some of them are not important at all to the understanding of what's going on, but I don't want to take the chance of skipping an important one. So you spend a great deal of time reading… I would make them a lot shorter. They are very poetic and stuff but sometimes they are just going around the point and sometimes you don't know what it is. Most of them are way to sad. So if you are sensitive I recommend you to have a box of kleenex nearby, kidding...

In conclusion, I recommend this game to those you know how to enjoy a work of art. If you want a lot of action, you would be probably very bored.