Fun, addictive, fun, replayable, fun. Did I mention FUN?????

User Rating: 8.5 | Link's Crossbow Training WII
This has got to one of Wii's little pleasures. Yes, there are big, glorious shooters out there with huge tank sized characters with missile launchers and realistic amazing graphics and online playability and a hundred other additives to make it cutting edge. This game is beautiful in it's simplicity and shortness. A simple target shooting game, where you can try to beat your high score and make it through so many levels by beating a predetermined set of points. Each level is subdivided into three levels, and you rack up points for each level, and if by the third your cumulative total is equal to or more than the totall needed to beat that level, you earn a medal and proceed to the next level. Sounds easy, but the higher you get, the harder it is to reach your goal. BUT, you will reach it. And you will feel triumphant. And its such a simple game, no frills, just straight forward targets. Beautiful. Darn near perfect.

Highly addictive and free with the Wii gun. How could you not love that? Fun and free????