Link's Crossbow Training is a spin-off of Twilight Princess, but nowhere near as good as the latter.

User Rating: 7 | Link's Crossbow Training WII
A spin-off of the Zelda series, featuring environments and bosses from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

Gameplay: You use the Wii's zapper to shoot arrows at random targets. Fairly simple, if you ask me.

Graphics. Graphics are actually pretty good, but that's mainly because they come from Twilight Princess.

Presentation: There are really is no value in presentation, but backdrops, characters and items in the game will be familiar to you if you've played Twilight Princess. Oh, and the menu screen isn't half bad either.

Sound: The music is good, since it's almost a Zelda game. Featuring soundtracks from Twilight Princess, Link's Crossbow Training will probably please your ears.

My verdict: Not a great game, but it's nice to see Nintendo send out some fan service for those Zelda fans that must have spin-off games.