Plenty of fun, just not enough of it.

User Rating: 7.5 | Link's Crossbow Training WII
The game itself is addictively fun, and there are a few things they've thrown into the levels to change things up a bit, but all in all, it just feels too short. I do like how shooting certain things aside from the targets can change how the level plays out...for example, in the horse riding target range, if you take out the first pot, different targets pop up (and more of them) than would normally if you had not shot that pot. The same goes for shooting the "scarecrows" in other levels. So there is a reason to go back and play the levels more than once, however after you hit platinum medals, what more is there? Not much as far as I can see. Who knows, maybe I'm missing something.
Is it worth the money? I would say so without a doubt. But you get what you should expect. A super vamped up version of duck hunt.