Oh dear...

User Rating: 2 | Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust PS3
Alright, Leisure suit Larry box office bust. What an appropriate title, because this game is litrally bust.

The stroy in this one is that you actually play as the original Larry's nephew, down on his luck when he's offered some job at a movie studio to find some saboteur. Yes, I think the plot sucks as well. The Larry in this game and the original larry are also pretty indistinguishable: two p*** (yes i censored that cause i don't want getting banned thanks) obssesed guys who find s**ual innuedo in everything.

The presentation is some of the worst I have ever seen this current generation: dispite it's simplistic, cartoonish textures and such,the frame rate is terrible while whole buildings appear out of thin air and seconds later, their textures arive. The dialogue, which is at times meant to adult humour just ends up as being shockingly offensive.

One of my first issues start with the controls: the controls just feel too loose and at times can be fataly unresponsive. They become even worse when you start driving one of those pathetic golf carts: they become jerky and... you just got to feel the controls to understand what I'm talking about. Another issue I have is the camera: the camera is some of the absolute worse I have ever seen in any game ever!! It get's in your way constantly!! Thankfully, you can turn it to first person but this control is very unresponsive.

Meanwhile, the platforming is just an absolute joke: Larry floats around, slides off random things and glitching through others. Sometimes there's falling damage when you fall off a building, other times, you'll fall off that same building from the same spot and there won't be any falling damage. It's obvious people: no one tested this game.

Puzzles usually consist of nothing other than moving a box five feet accross the room.

One good thing I can say about BOB though is that the directing mini-game is somewhat decent but other than that, there's nothing appealing about BOB. Burn this, it's the only way to be sure.

Final score:

Graphics: 0/5

Sound: 1/5

Gameplay: 0/5

Entertainment: -1/5

Overall: 0/20