As the title suggests, this game is a total bust!

User Rating: 5.5 | Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust PS3
Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust (BOB) is a weird game.
Larry Loveage, the guy starring in Magna Cum Laude as well has appeared as the main protagonist this time as well. Larry is meant to be a dorky, ugly midget really but this time he looks fairly handsome, tall and like a 16 year old. They totally fu**ed the concept up. What were they thinking!

BOB has fairly good graphics but they might as well make the game for the PS2, it's cheaper plus the next-gen consoles don't deserve such a bullsh** game either.

I was shocked that the developers messed up a series I grew up with and loved so much but they just went on and thrown away all the good elements and added their own style of gameplay and created a crappy platformer.

Travelling the movie sets aren't fun either. Most the time your a paper boy, driving about on these mini carts delivering stuff, being timed or a race against the clock. This becomes highly repetitive and when your about to score something weird happens and you feel dissapointed. Then when you do finally do it, you just hear the noises, not even any censor bars but a dark screen with noises voiced by poor actors. Some of the audio is okay but apart from that, a bad game.

The camera sucks, it's like a top-down view but not quite.
Really, this game doesn't deserve being reviewed.

BOB also has so much profanity when it is unneeded. Where the heck is the nudity!?

There are some stuff you can unlock and Easter eggs which you can go to, to unlock some animated porn videos of some of the in-game stars having sex or photos in magazines of real porn stars.

The game is really lengthy cause you have so much backtracking to do which makes the game ever so boring, plus when your in the Western movie set, the lands in where you ride feel so empty that it's almost poorly designed, which makes you think that the level designers were on drugs when creating the levels. Poorly textured landscapes and boring animations just make this game a complete failure.

However the fact that the missions are parodies of films such as Titanic, Friday The 13th and the Wild West, they seem to work out well. The babes don't look that hot due to the bad graphics but they are just about okay.

The character models suck and the repetitive levels also make the game feel long and atrocious.

The game gets boring by each chapter but you can do yourself a big favour and just avoid this complete disaster. Yep, Box Office Bust is a big Bust!