is it really a cheap game ? no, just larry is "cheap" and sadly makes the game feel the same way..

User Rating: 5.5 | Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust PC
at first i have to say.. i read some reviews before playing it.. and didnt really want to play it.. but.. it's a larry game.. so ... i gave it a try..

and i have to say.. i played it for quite some hours.. all the way having the bad reviews in my mind and realizing.. ok, some of can be seen like that.. but on the other hand its a fun game, designed like a little gta in a film studio.

the gameplay is just the same.. you can drive almost any vehicle you see and really want to drive.. there will be more throughout the game..

a little boring is that you always have to run around for the next job, sometimes it takes you up to 1.5 or 2 minutes.. and there nothing special about walking or running to the next point where you can start the next mission.

but you will do it for getting a chance to do something new in the big film studio park.

as i have been working in a big movie studios park for some years and now working with hollywood films and tv stations.. (more into postproduction now) there are MUCH things that are exactly like they are "cheaply" played out in the larry game..

so, maybe it seams "cheap" for most of the people, but i can tell you.. life in a movie area is exactly like that, every personality is really like it in real life.. and real life is even more like that ;))

so, what kept me playing it for so long...

the game has vivid and bright graphics.. not many graphical effects on it, but enough for making it fun to play... adding the gta gameplay system makes it familiar and other than gta style its a jump&run game with its obstacles and time-quests to fulfill..

no other game really has this option, maybe some time-limited scenes in games like driver or gta, but not with that kind of difficulty in it.

you sure have to do the missions a little to much times to get through (annoying!), but the missions themselves are fun to do..

there are also sneaking missions with isometric view and racing games that are a lot of fun and have just the right difficulty.

furthermore there are even whole levels in larry's "wild west dreams" where you can do a lot of missions.. and ride a horse about 5 minutes through the terrain in sight of the sun going down in warm colours with a well done wild west sound background atmosphere..

i liked the game and couldnt wait for the next mission..

sure i didnt give it a 8 or something.. but if it hadnt gotten so many bad lowscore reviews i guess there would have been more people voting for high scores on it.

if you like some "on-the-foot" gta action with sleazy and thoroughly funny dialogues where you can really laugh your ass off sometimes in a vivid fantasy world and a story of a loser making his way to the top (only in his mind) makes it a tragically funny substantial "cheap" game for some hours of fun and non-serious gameplay.

