Tedious, frustrating with too many problems this is the worse game of 2009

User Rating: 1.5 | Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust PS3
Leisure Suit Larry a well known series from Sierra which is an adult game of trying to hook up with girls. The publishing rights to this game was given to Codemasters and published by there Funsta brand and the developers are well known for the Worms series Team 17.

Leisure Suit Larry is different from the last one Magna Cum Laude instead of been at college chatting with the ladies your put into a Studio Lot instead of chatting up the women you must do tasks. The Porn movie studio is owned by Larry Laffer and you Larry Lovage takes a summer job at the place you will be doing odd jobs and trying to uncover the mole of a rival company.

The first mission is quite pathetic it has you cleaning up dirt around the studio lot which isn't that fun at all (the pictures you have to clean are pictures of di**s and no I'm not joking I'm serious) even from first starting to play this game you will see how bad the camera is. Then you will be doing the post which you have to deliver packages, also you will have to find pieces of script. I found one mission just to stupid you have climb on top of the roof to get the phone what idiot leaves his phone on top of a building.

The main problems with Box Office Bust is it's terrible camera angles especially when trying to get around tight corners the camera moves around when you don't want it do causing you to die. In buildings the camera is fixed so your can't move it and problems get awful when trying to find your way around the building. I just hate the missions when your timed trying to fight with the controls and camera angles are annoying and sometimes you may possibly fail.

The mini games are quite interesting but the way the mini games are they just are not fun the racing is terrible placing the checkpoints in awkward places not forgetting sometimes even when you have gone though it sometimes it never recognizes it. Shooting you will do in the Wild West stages and the problems are is your in first person view and moving the camera angle about is just far to slow and this causes you to get hit many times. The fighting is rather dull your opponents do the same thing you they will punch you about 2 times then just won't do anything or somethings they will gang up on you so you don't really stand a chance.

The characters look awful they just look like mutants they all seem to have big eyes and big teeth an example of this is Kip the women are suppose to be stunning every character during the cut scenes look like they have a skin disease. Larry Laffer just looks terrible he just looks like a hobo he looked better in Magna Cum Laude at least he looked more human. I have got to say that Larry Lovage doesn't look that bad I mean he looks better in this game then the other one. The horses I have just have bring this in why is do the horses eyes bulge out it's weird they look creepy.

The mini map at the bottom of the screen also has problems it can be confusing trying to figure out where you have to go as the pinpoint is there but when the camera moves the point moves with it which can be annoying. The frame rate when in the movie studio you will notice when you move about how jerky the screen is it like goes slow every second or so then speeds up.

If Larry falls he will die and it doesn't have to be a big fall which it can take down your whole health bar so if you die you will have to repeat the whole mission again and to be honest it just gets annoying.

The music in the game actually loops it's self some of the music plays for about 2 minutes or so before looping the whole song again but I found the Wild West music to be pretty decent.

The script writer to the game is one of Adam Sandlers good friends Allen Covert which the jokes that he has provided for this game just aren't funny or entertaining in the least. The script is rather boring and it just seems like a rush job at least the jokes were funny in Magna Cum Laude.

The voice acting is one of the best features within in the game it's actually the only thing which is good well apart from the level designs. The game has great voice talent such as Jay Mohr, Tom Arnold, Carmen Electra, Shannon Elizabeth and more but it's shame that these great voices have been wasted on such a bad game. Actually the voice actors will have got paid more then the budget on this game.

I don't care that this game has no nudity but this game is tedious and I have tried to like this game but I finished with the Wild West Stages tried a few more after beating that I can't put up with it anymore it's just to frustrating. The game states that it uses the Unreal Technology Engine and this is the worst game I have seen that uses it a lot of great games have used the Unreal Engine but this doesn't showcase it at all. Leisure Suit Larry Box Office Bust isn't fun it's annoying packed with bugs and glitches bad controls terrible camera angles. The testers of this game should be fired I mean most of these problems should be fixed but Codemasters and Team 17 seemed to not care about quality just because it's a Larry game they knew they are going to be rolling in the cash. The game is priced at 19.99 and still at that price it's to high for a game which is tedious and frustrating and which feels unplayable and this game is unfinished. The game features trophies but that is something that is not keeping me play this game at all. When I play this game I feel like throwing my controller at the wall and believe me it's that annoying I can guaranty anyone who plays this will feel like that to.

It's a shame for Team 17 the company has been going for years and you would think that the development of this game just could have been done better and with care. The truth is I honestly thought the reviewers were going to be wrong but I agree with them for once you can get better quality PS3 games for the price this is been sold for. Team 17 should stick with the basic Worms games because it seems that's all they are good at now.