Why all the hate for this game?

User Rating: 6.5 | Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust X360
LSLBOB is a next-gen sandbox platformer. It gets its basis from th4 old Sierra Leisure Suit Larry series and this is where I have a problem with the critics. What do you want? The same old LSL adventure game over and over?
This game is a raunchy but light-hearted parody of the porno industry -- a great theme for a LSL sex oriented game. The dialogue may not be bust-a-gut hilarious, but it is very witty in a crass, low-brow kind of way. Larry Lovage is well characterized as the dumpy, girl-crazy loser and various characters provide the "straight-men" to his offbeat humor. The one voice actor I couldn't stand was Patrick Warburton. He has been desperately trying to make it as a comedic actor for over a decade, but he has a way of sucking the funny out of every scene he's in (watch an episode of the live action "Tick" and you'll see what I mean). He is horribly miscast as the depraved porn star hunk.

The graphics are very slick caricature style, and the artwork as well as the style of comedy is highly reminiscent of "Tripping the Rift" which was also a pop-culture parody show. I can't believe one of the reviewers criticized the game as having "ugly" characters. They're CARICATURES -- they're SUPPOSED to look grotesque. Larry's design is similar to "Tak", which is a typical cartoonish caricature style.

The game does have a lot of bugs, especially in the climbing physics and there are many enexpected lock-ups or place where LArry can get stuck, with no way to get out of it besides quitting the game, which is why I rated this game somewhat low (but not "bad" or "terrible" like many reviewers).

Despite the gameplay flaws it is still entertaining and good for a chucle or two. Just to see Peter Graves pimp himself out for this game for some quick cash is worth the price of admission. This game is inexpensive enough to buy outright, but if buggy games really tick you off, I suggest a weekend rental.