grates on you!

User Rating: 4 | Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust PC
I actually enjoyed the game for the beginning, characters look horrible and theres a definite framerate issue but i saw past that, i even saw past the controls, running around collecting trophies randomly dotted around in impossible places. and then i met the wild west. awful awful awful forced on you mini games, awful combat, and the most annoying platforming cliff side you will ever traverse in gaming history.this part kills an already bad game, along with the shooting aspect, followed by a beat em up segment later with the most impossible guards ever, due to rubbish fighting. its worth playing at 18 quid for the achievement points, but dont be surprised if your ready to knaw your arm off the moment you meet any dreamscape elements. They did get some good actors in on the dialogue but i feel really sorry for the stuff they are forced to say. It'd be nice if they brought back the point and click adventure style for larry we grew to love, especially in love for sale. why does getting right equal years of wrong wrong wrong. no one is supposed to look up to sega and their sonic franchise.