Although not the best game out there, I was entertained. It cost 20 bucks, and it's funny. Worth my money.

User Rating: 5.5 | Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust PC
I feel people have become snobs when it comes to video games. If it's for the 360 or PS3 it has to blow there minds. With that said the "next gen" consoles has release games that isn't worth the 59.99 that the game is release at, some examples are: Bullet Witch, Star Trek Legacy, and just about every game based on a movie. Finally they release a game at the solid price of 19.99, and this game is better then the games mentioned above. Renting games are between 6 to 8 dollars so this type of game is worth every dime. Is it ground breaking? Nope, not one bit, but I think "gamers" need to get past the Halo 3's, Resident Evil 5's and just kick their feet up and enjoy a game that is silly.

Now to the game:
Graphics are good, but during movie cuts, their seems to be pixel problem because you can see dots, and comes off glitchy. This doesn't hurt gameplay one bit though.
Sound is the best part of the game. That doesn't mean it's great. Just pay attention to the dialogue when you're directing.
Gameplay reminds me of The Simpsons Game, but not as smooth.

All in all, I think people would actually enjoy the game if they got passed their own ego. For a 20 dollar game, it's well made. If this was a 60 dollar game, it wouldn't be worth the price. Their's nothing wrong with playing and enjoying a silly game every once in while.