Box Office Bust may have many flaws but its got some fun with it.

User Rating: 4 | Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust X360
Leisire Suit Larry Box Office Bust is the next entry in the series of offensive games, but this time no sexual content. This one has WAY more swearing that the previous ones. This time Larry is at the silver screen making movies. How did this game do? Here is the review.

The Good- Good story, good voice acting, directing mini game is fun, good graphics, good humor, cool movie parodies (like Bytanic), cheap.

The Bad- For me it was 15 hours of frustration, horrible camera, ALOT of swearing, some of the comedy is really offensive, sometimes the controls don't respond to well, at the most random moments you will get stuck (even on stairs), combat is so broken that is puts the fighting parts to shame, the controls for the shooting sections are broken, waste of celebrity voice acting.

Overall LSL BOB is a bad game, but it has some good things about it. Leisure Suit Larry Box Office Bust gets a 4 out of 10.