I'm really glad this game was made, cause I'm a big fan of Star Wars, and it in Legos, that made it even better!!

User Rating: 9 | LEGO Star Wars PS2
This game brings me back, I remember constantly playing this while I was teen, it was one of the first games Iv'e played on the PS2, the first being GTA San Andreas, back to the point, this game sets back in the first episodes of Star Wars but in Lego form. Where you play as the classic Star Wars characters like Qui Gon Gin, and Obi Wan Kenobi, and even young Anakin Skywalker. And you complete through missions based on the first episodes. Which in the reality this game was made for younger kids, hence the Lego's, which made the game really easy, well for me anyway.You would slash and blast through countless of droids and other enemies, spend time solving weird and a little bit too easy puzzles. And usually at the end there was a boss battle that actually was the only challenging part there. Controls were pretty simple and easy to master, no problems there. The graphics were really good, I loved how'd they designed and made every single thing in Lego form, it made the series seem more fun and enjoyable. And I really loved the hilarious cutscenes, and other hilarious extras which was made funnier cause they were in Lego form. This game even being a kids game was packed with tons of extras, and I love spending hours and hours trying to unlock every single thing. Everything in this game was virtually perfect, only one downside, and sometimes I didn't care about this, but it was a little bit too easy to play, but in the end this was a great game to play, for all Star Wars lovers, of all ages. :D