Star Wars....wait there made out of lego's!!!!!!!This can't be good...or can it?

User Rating: 7.5 | LEGO Star Wars PS2
Actually this game is pretty fun,it appeals a lot to younger audiences along with some Star Wars fans.The game is pretty simple and is fun yet entertaining with its somewhat humorous moments and amazing level's this game is a piece of work.You play as any of of the characters from Episode 1,Episode 2,Episode 3 each with somewhat different abilities.The Star Wars twist with lego's really does work in fact I think it even makes the series seem better.All and all this game is outstanding and can keep you playing for hours on end,the game is short though but incredibly fun you'll definitely enjoy this game.Overall great game,simple gameplay,fun time,what more is there to say except the fun co-op mode which sets you and a buddy to take on the Star Wars level's and challenge's the co-op mode is really a great feature for this kinda game,so if you have a friend willing to play it'll make this game seem twice the fun.