This is a fun action adventure game that just about anyone can enjoy

User Rating: 7.5 | LEGO Star Wars GC
The idea of mixing Star Wars with legos may not seem like such a good idea, but believe me, it is. Fans of Star Wars will recognize the main characters from Episodes one, two and three from the movies. There are two differences between this game and the movies. The first is that the game doesn't take itself too seriously and has lots of humorous moments throughout. The other is that the entire game is based on legos, so you'll find the characters being recreated. You'll play as one character, but you can easily switch to another as you'll have at least one other ally with you at all times. Each character has a basic three hit combo attack, but there are also puzzle elements added to mix up the gameplay a bit. The controls are a lot worse for the Gamecube because they're a bit too difficult to come to grips with. There is only one easy difficulty level, so you'll probably be breezing your way through in around a few hours. However, if you're looking for longevity, there are a bunch of hidden items in levels and many characters, cheats and extras to unlock. While the campaign is good by itself, another player can join in whenever they want, doubling the already highly fun game. Unfortunately that also makes the game go by twice as fast, since both the enemy and ally AI aren't all that great. Graphically wise, it looks pretty good, but again, it's all legos. Lego Star Wars is a highly fun action adventure game that just about anyone can enjoy.