Easily the worst Lego game of this generation of consoles.

User Rating: 5 | LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues PS3
Much like Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, this game was a tremendous disappointment. Now I'm sure you're probably thinking, wait a minute, it's a Lego game. It's not like you have to do a lot right to have a pretty solid experience. Well, you'd be right for the most part, but that doesn't keep this game from feeling thrown together, cheap, and just plain not fun from a multiplayer standpoint.

GAMEPLAY - The gameplay is what you would expect from a Lego game. The only thing wrong here is that the co-op gameplay is very toned down. If you're playing as Indiana Jones, this game can be a lot of fun. If you're anybody else, you might solve a puzzle here or there, but overall you're just along for the ride. This game does have the split screen aspect going for it, however, and vehicle levels are actually pretty fun. It just feels like a lot was sacrificed to accomplish so little. - 4/10

STORY - This covers all the Indiana Jones movies, but mainly focuses on the newest one. Just like with the other Lego games, you won't have a good idea what's going on unless you've seen the movies. Still, this gets an N/A just because it doesn't really do anything to try and have a story apart from the movies. - N/A

GRAPHICS - The graphics are fine, but nothing mind-blowing. They're about average for a Lego game. - 7/10

SOUND - The sound in these games is never that great, and that holds true here as well. The music is alright, but nothing else is really worth mentioning. - 5/10

LENGTH/REPLAY VALUE - Usually the Lego games will give you a lot to do, and this is true of this game as well. The problem is the way it is structured. You unlock things within episodes rather than across the whole game, making everything feel very restrictive as to what you can play around with. This game also feels shorter than most Lego games coming out these days, so you aren't really getting a good value here...even for a Lego game. - 4/10

BOTTOM LINE - While Lego Indiana Jones 2 is a decent Lego game, it is easily the worst. Playing single player is more enjoyable than playing co-op, the levels aren't that interesting, and nothing about this game really feels fun. I enjoy the Lego games, but this one just felt like a flop to me. If you haven't played this one, do yourself a favor and skip out on it. Much like the newest Indiana Jones movie, you aren't missing much by not seeing it. - 5/10