Fun, but rather tiring

User Rating: 7 | LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 WII

Travelers tales have made another of their trademark games, the second in the harry potter lego series.

Whilst the first game was more based around learning the spell mechanics and took you through multiple classes at Hogwarts, This game is more based on fighting the Dark lord's followers and has a definite darker tone. There are no "how to play" intro scenes. The game assumes you have played the previous installment and thus just lets you use all mechanics without telling you how. Fortunately, they are easy to pick up on.

The game follows the general narrative of the last three books, however the game is plagued with 'filler' missions that make you complete annoying and plain useless tasks. When you get a genuinely good mission the game is very fun so it is rather unfortunate that the majority of missions are fillers.Another issue that I have continuously run into, is that due to some unintuitive puzzles and not great graphics, you can occasionally get stuck for long periods of time trying to find the way out, just to discover it was something super simple.

The graphics on the WII are disappointing. On top of this you'll have to increase brightness to 1.7-2.0, in order to see better. I'll leave it at that.

The world is massive and quite detailed: good job TT

The game (like any lego TT game) is full of the super cheesy comedy which is funny at times but gets annoying. REALLY ANNOYING.

Would I recommend the game?


IF, you are willing to go through painful annoying puzzles and missions, because in reality, except for the setbacks its a great game for any harry potter fan. The comedy lightens the mood and gets in the way a bit, but in general it's a great way to have fun and explore the Harry Potter world in detail.