I picked it up from a movie rental store for about 7 bucks, and decided it was, well, awesome.

User Rating: 9.8 | Seiken Densetsu: Legend of Mana (PSOne Books) PS
After buying as a used rental from Blockbluster, i decided it was a great PS1 game. Soon, i was well on my way to a great adventure. The story has its perks, and the characters are rather cute and peculiar in their own ways. The graphics are pleasing to eye for even being a PS1 game. The soundtrack has a number of beautiful scores composed my great musicians. The gameplay value has a very intriguing 2-player aspect. The quests are some times rather hard to find, and there are always side quests. The many weapons, pets, fruits, and other secrets will keep you busy for LONG time! it took me a good 20 hours to complete the core game, by skipping the unneeded quests to finish the main story. It has its many quirks, and no visible glitches or programming errors. If you are looking for a good discount RPG/Action title than pick Legend of Mana up.

After finally beating it, I realized that are actually many mnay side quests, more than anticipated, and the weapon/pet/fruit creation system is very helpful and fun. Trying to make the best of the best instruments and even golems are rather game changing. There are a lot of secrets that I am still to understand, and continue to go back for more.