Savetehaloz reviews Left 4 Dead, the best multiplayer zombie killing First Person Shooter.

User Rating: 8 | Left 4 Dead PC
Quite simply, I got Left 4 Dead after I re-watched Dawn of the Dead. After getting it, I came back to my senses; this is a purely multiplayer game. You will not enjoy Left 4 Dead if you don't play it online or with friends. Left 4 Dead runs on Valve's successful but slightly dated Source Engine.

The gameplay in Left 4 Dead is simple, get from Point A to Point B with all your characters and survive. Along the way, you can pick up bigger weapons, ammunition and health pack and pills. There is no storyline as the point of the game as mentioned before, to get from one area to another. The controls are simple to use and feel quick and responsive.

The sounds are good; your average shotgun, SMG, assault rifle sounds.

The graphics have been improved since the last Source Engine update. The graphics are still good but are nothing or little compared to most games we play today.

Do not buy this game if you are not going to play ONLINE!