Last Year's Game is A Nightmare, Still.

User Rating: 3 | Last Year PC

I first played Last Year: The Nightmare in 2018 when it released as a a Discord exclusive. I then tried it out when it was ported to Steam in 2019 and dropped the Nightmare moniker.

Gameplay wise, Last Year offers little to keep you coming back. Teamwork is non existent as players scurry off to their own deaths in dimly lit school hallways. Graphics are nice, but framerate issues are common. Personality is not found across any of the characters, they are just descriptions and nothing more. Combat with the killer is unrewarding and drab, unless you like being dragged off gymnasium walkways by chain dudes.

With all of these problems, they let the Discord version go and put it on Steam instead. One year of the game being on the rails and we get... what little 90's horror inspiration there was being thrown out and replaced with giant spiders and some new playable survivor. It's honorable that they are still trying to update the game, but I do not recommend playing this at all.

I was able to have a good match or two at the very beginning, but the most fun you can have from this game now is watching your hard drive space increase after you uninstall it.