This game leaves a bad taste in your mouth and a thought of wasting time in your mind (even though games do waste it.)

User Rating: 6 | L.A. Rush PS2
This game leaves a bad taste in your mouth and a thought of wasting time in your mind (even though games do waste it.)
I didn't like this game mostly because it never changed pretty much you go in and you drive around for awhile then you find a race and almost always win. Then you drive around looking for another race, find it, and then you just get bored because it is boring. What I really hated was that you couldn't customize your own vehicle. Oh sure it has West-Coast Customs on the cover, but you don't get to customize the car. It's a pre-made looking piece of crap (most likely) that they give you. This game is worthy of a rental if there's nothing else on the shelf and you have a free night, but nothing beyond that. The game comes with a half ass story where you have to go around town taking back every vehicle that has been taking from you. I wanna know how the hell they got into the house and why the hell they don't lock the damn place up so you're not the that has to waste time playing it. By the time you finish the game you won't feel like you've accomplished anything and the gameplay and graphics are pretty weak for today's platforms.