This is one way to pimp your ride

User Rating: 8.2 | L.A. Rush PS2
i got this game and it wasnt what i expected but thats a good and bad thing i thought it was gonna be like rush but its more like the racing parts of true crimes streets of LA with mtv thrown in the mix but i like its just not what i tought it was gonna be as long as you know that going in to this game yull be happy you bought it well heres my review

gameplay: 8\10 pretty basic get from point a to point b and sometimes its a circuit race but like i said before if you played the racing part of true crime streets of LA you pretty much already know what your in store for in the gameplay area

graphics: 8\10 except for some slowdown the graphics are pretty good i mean there not gran turismo 4 graphics but they are good ive seen alot worse

sound: 4\10 its decent hip hop and you get a free music cd with the game but some of the cars are really really quiet and you can barley hear them and the cops say the same thing over and over and for some reason the cops try to rhyme what they yell at you

value: 8\10 it well worth the $29.99 its going for now so if you love racing game this one should be in your collection