LA Rush ...AaaaA ? Well I say "LA Rush as faster as you can from this game!" I will say why...

User Rating: 4.5 | L.A. Rush PC
First of all this game is like somekind of lame copycat from the GTA series...
What were the creaters thinking when they created this game...This game is a lot of words and little of done !So if you are playing GTA now or atleast have it on your PC and sometimes go around the city,doing stunts or just listening to music and relaxing,because you probably finished the game ,keep doing so !
I played only 10-20 mins of it and I turned it off ,it's not worth your attention...
The grafics doesn't stand out from the medium-low ,the gameplay is bouring(really reminds meof GTA series),a lot of blurr that even goth on my nerv because of the bad texturing and trying to hide there flaws!
Anyways... Don't waist your time on this game...
There is a good side of this game it was fun to see the movie where there was a sec of "West Coust Customes Team" and the movie grafic wasn't that bad(still a lot of blurr)
And the reality of getting hit in the game and crash was a good factor !
That's all :-)