This game isnt a REAL rush game.

User Rating: 2 | L.A. Rush PS2
The only reason why it got a 2.1 is cuz the graphics were almost good. If this were a real rush game, then Why isnt there a stunt arena? what happened to the big BOOM we got used to in the other 3 rush games. Ok the explode on here too but it isnt a big firery explosion. If you like Need for speed and Test drive and pimp my ride. By this game, but if you buy it cuz you think its like the others...... you are wrong. And should take the game back and get your money back. I own, san fransisco rush. Rush 2 and rush 2049, then i went and bought the midway arcade treasures 3 so i could have the ROCK. maybe the Psp version and this version should switch. I heard the psp one is more like the originals. I